Skating Journey


I hope you’ve had a nice weekend and feel rested for the upcoming week ahead of us.

Today after two weeks I feel like I am checking back into my mind and life, my Mom’s anniversary is always a trying time for me and this year I allowed myself to feel anything and everything I needed to. These past two weeks have felt so fast and so slow at the same time, productivity wise- I haven’t done much to be honest and I am okay with it. I used to be really hard on myself for not sticking to my schedule, I have been conditioned to be strong and keep going but I have seen the negative effects it has taken on me and so many others.

I am learning to take things a lot slower these days and it feels pretty weird to be honest but it does feel really nice to be able to just be however I need to be. It’s going to be a continuous work in progress and I know that I have a lot of unlearning and relearning to still do about a lot of things in my life.

As you may have seen on my Instagram, I got roller skates! :) I got curious about starting last Summer but between transitioning to online coaching, the pandemic and so many things in between; the days simply passed me by. As my Mom’s anniversary approached I wanted another outlet to help me with my mental health, roller skating popped into my mind again and I started searching for skates. It has become really popular during the pandemic so it was hard to find any that were in stock. I wasn’t sure where to start, I researched some popular brands but the price tag was something I wasn’t set on investing in just yet.

I got my roller skates and knee pads from Amazon, the skates had really good reviews and the price was good for my first pair of skates. It was $89.99+tax, free Prime shipping, total: $98.31. It was recommended to get my true size which I did and they fit well. Initially putting them on it was pretty tight on the sides but after skating around it did feel better, you’ll definitely need to break them in. In time I’ll upgrade the bearings and wheels but for now I am happy with what I have.

The protective gear was $39.99+tax, free Prime shipping, total: $43.69. I got a L after reading reviews, they fit well but I think I could’ve gotten a medium as well as the wrist guards are a little big on me. I may exchange them so I’ll keep ya posted!

Here is the link to my Amazon shop where I share items I have purchased :

I started a separate Instagram account @coffeeanneskates to track and share my skating progress as well as my love for coffee. Please follow if you’d like and thank you to all those who have! I have e-met some really nice girls in the skating community so far which has been nice. It can be intimidating to start something new but I hope you remember that it’s never too late and that you are never too old to do anything that you want to do! :)

It’s only been two days of skating but so far I am really enjoying it, they came on my Mom’s anniversary so it’s clearly a sign! After feeling mentally checked out for almost two weeks it feels nice to start feeling like myself and to feel hopeful again. I felt happy and free when I skated and let me tell you, feeling free is an incredible feeling. I had my air pods on and was just moving under the sunshine.

Grieving really takes a lot out of one’s mind, body and spirit but what I have learned over the last six years is that this is going to be a lifelong journey and I will need to continue working on myself and allowing myself to grieve in my own personal way. Through the ups and downs, I know that everything in life serves its purpose as life happens for us, not to us. Thank you for holding space with me as you read this and I look forward to sharing more skating, life and more with you.

With love,

Anne Phung NguyenComment